ATrack AT1Pro Device Data Not Processing


I have a ATrack AT1Pro device and configured to send data on port 5044. Although I can see data on the log file, it's not getting processed. I have traccar server running in local windows 10 pc.

log messages :

2017-09-06 03:08:31 DEBUG: [18B4D506: 5044 <] HEX: fe020001452efaf6543c0007
2017-09-06 03:08:31 DEBUG: [18B4D506: 5044 >] HEX: fe020001452efaf6543c0007
2017-09-06 03:08:34 DEBUG: [18B4D506: 5044 <] HEX: 40502c373231352c3136352c372c3335373534333035373937303233362c32303137303930343131333933312c32303137303930343132333034362c32303137303930343132333034362c38303231303631362c363936353037352c3138372c302c35392c3939302c312c302c302c302c2c323030302c323030302c1a2c254349255341254d56254256254751254154255053254547254156312c302c3132312c33382c31342c302c302c302c300d0a
2017-09-06 03:09:04 DEBUG: [18B4D506: 5044 <] HEX: 40502c344343442c3136352c372c3335373534333035373937303233362c32303137303930343131333933312c32303137303930343132333131362c32303137303930343132333131362c38303231303631362c363936353037352c3138372c302c35392c3939302c312c302c302c302c2c323030302c323030302c1a2c254349255341254d56254256254751254154255053254547254156312c302c3132322c33382c31332c302c302c302c300d0a

Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar only supports binary Atrack format at the moment. You have to switch your device to report in binary.

changed to report in binary. it is picking up data, but looks like data is wrong.

2017-09-08 03:22:04 DEBUG: [39CDF07A: 5044 <] HEX: 40506a14003c00370001452efaf6543c07e109080a141607e109080a141607e109080a141604c7e928006a471d00100200000067001a0100010000000007d007d000
2017-09-08 03:22:04 DEBUG: [39CDF07A: 5044 >] HEX: fe020001452efaf6543c0037
2017-09-08 03:22:04  WARN: Geocoding failed - Empty address - GeocoderException (JsonGeocoder:74 < ...)
2017-09-08 03:22:04  INFO: [39CDF07A] id: 357543057970236, time: 1974-03-10 16:00:24, lat: 151.52181, lon: 336.98813, speed: 2212.7, course: 5636.0
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What date format have you configured? If long, you should set atrack.longDate to true in the config.

It's working now.

Thank you for your great support.