[ASK] TRACCAR API "#/commands/" path return 405 (Method Not Allowed)

pillaridha7 years ago

Hello world!

i've been using traccar api, and had some problem with it.

i've been using admin as authorization header, and all of the API path is worked like charm except the "#/commands/" (GET, POST, PUT) path.

Here is the screenshoot of my problem:
alt text

I am using javascript ajax to use the API.

Could someone explain this to me?
Thank You! :)

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Looks like you are trying to use method that is not available in the version of Traccar that you are using. I would recommend looking at official Traccar web app for examples.

pillaridha7 years ago


I've been searching for my traccar version. So i find out that my traccar version is 3.11..

alt text

the current versio of traccar is 3.15 ... can i use the 3.11 instead? or i should upgrade my server?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can use any version, but make sure you are using corresponding API version as well.