Ask State.js

MuhHuz7 years ago

Hii Anton Tananev,

in file State.js located in /web/app/view from line 70 to line 79 as shown below:

} else if (record.get('name') === Strings.positionImage || record.get('name') === Strings.positionAudio) {
                    position = this.getController().position;
                    if (position) {
                        device = Ext.getStore('Devices').getById(position.get('deviceId'));
                        if (device) {
                            return '<a target="_blank" href="/api/media/' + device.get('uniqueId') + '/' + value + '" >' +
                                value + '</a>';

what is the code purpose? i gues, this code for the device image where the image already stored in media directory on the server. how can we configure in traccar-web UI so this code called, and then display the device image. image is different with logo (truck, van, etc).

Correct me if i wrong


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

The purpose it to show media data (images, audio and video) reported by devices. Your device needs to report this data for you to see it.