architecture => cache and database connection

Anthony B2 years ago

Can you help me understand what the "cache and database connection", declared on the

is this part of the project? or it's something we have to install.

We want to use pgsql15.

is that a connection pool management ? like pgpool or pgbouncer?

why do you need a cache instead of connecting directly to the DB?

Track-trace22 years ago

The Architecture just shows you the ways traccar server is built.

The "cache and database connection" is part of it.

Server can be configured to work with almost any SQL database engine, including popular options like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.

Initial database schema creation and subsequent database schema upgrade migrations are done using Liquibase library. It allows to define schema in universal format in changelog XML files and generate database-specific SQL queries at runtime.

For fast access to the data, most of the current information for connected devices is cached internally in memory. To avoid outdated cache issues, it is recommended to make any changes using the API instead of direct database queries.

Anthony B2 years ago

thanks for your answer,

so the caché it's a service part of traccar, it's a setup/configuration? or a service? can you detail on it please.

great I love liquibase for schema modification.

please can you provide me details about which API are you talking about?

Netty doesn't access directly to the db? uses an API?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The cache is a part of Traccar. You don't need to configure anything for it.

Netty does not need to use the API because it's an internal part of Traccar. It's not an external service.