ArcGIS Online shared hosted tile layers

Kevin Mayall7 years ago

The map layers documentation ( gives an example of using Esri's Basemaps as a tile server. You can also access your own ArcGIS Online hosted tile layers if they are shared as 'public'.

Go to the item page for your hosted tile layer in ArcGIS Online and look for the URL in the bottom right corner of the page.
It will look like this:
Just add /tile/{z}/{y}/{x} to the end of this URL.

The default tile format for most published ArcGIS tile layers is 'png' if there are only vector layers in the service. If there is any raster layer when the service is published, then the tile format usually defaults to 'mixed', which means jpegs in the middle and pngs with transparency around the map edges. Because of this, I omitted the '.png' extension, which the Traccar documentaton suggests.

Bamidele Oke10 months ago

Hello Kevin, thanks for this tip. So I'm trying to use this approach, but it seems traccar is not working well with ArcGIS layers. Even when I put the URl of the ArcGIS Online basemaps is specified here: it doesn't work. Can you share if there's a specific way to add the layers now since this post was 6years ago?