Api Query Column Access

Byhturk10 months ago

Hello. I can't display some information using api,
For example, I cannot access the MOTIONSTATE and OVERSPEEDSTATE columns in the tc_devices table via the API. Is there a way to add all columns to api access?

The sample API access query result is as follows: There are missing columns in the tc_devices table. How can we add it to the API query? ;

     id: 19,
     attributes: {},
     uniqueId: '123456789',
     status: 'offline',
     lastUpdate: '2024-03-27T12:10:03.741+00:00',
     positionId: 3564,
     model: null,
     category: 'car',
     disabled: false,
     expirationTime: null
Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Those are not exposed in the API. They are server only parameters. You would have to change the code if you want to add them to the API.

Byhturk10 months ago

I removed the jsonignore statements, the problem was solved, thank you