Any device to add GPS to a Computer and integrate to Traccar?

gar_za9 years ago

I have a situation where the vehicles we are trying to track already have a computer that has broadband wifi access. Is there any device out there that would enable GPS on the computer then use the cellular broadband or wifi of the computer to send the information live to the traccar server?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Does the computer have GPS module?

gar_za9 years ago

The computer does not have a GPS module currently but I would get one if there is a way to integrate it to this server to get the location.

Is there any laptop GPS modules that have this working or would a small app/service need to be built in the laptop to send the data?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

There used to be a GpsGate Client that you could use for that. Not sure if it's still out there.

For Linux there is this third party project:

hieronymousch8 years ago


I can confirm that GPS Gate Express (Version 2.6) works fine and even includes a plugin to use the windows locator service of your device as a GPS device.
Select the output option and then enter the URL & port of traccar server. Username becomes the device ID, password is not relevant.