Are there any corresponding error messages in the Android log?
No.It doesn't show any error message in log.
When I run the traccar-app, it says traccar-hidden and app isn't installed..
At least it must show corresponding error message in the log.
Hi Anton,
I am having the same issue with the Hidden version of the app. Shortcuts are created but when you attempt to launch them there is a toast with the text: "App is not installed"
I am unable to catch any kind of error, even in debug mode.
Using android 5.1.1
I have fixed the problem. Please check again now.
I have download the source code from git hub link and import it in Android studio. But when I connect the device to PC and run this app,it shows Device setting and when I create the app shortcut from action setting,it create shortcut on home screen with name "Trackcar-start" but this shortcut cannot run and gives the message like "App isn't install".