I am developing manager app for traccar. I have integrated openstreetmap but it is loading very slow. Now I have integrated Cartomap sdk which is loading faster then openstreetmap. Cartomap is free for limited use. I have created the app same as iOS App, anyone can use free of cost by setting IP and Port.
Please suggest how can I proceed with carto map?
Official Traccar Manager app is based on the web app and it already supports various map layers including cartomap.
I am creating Native Android App.
I am developing manager app for traccar. I have integrated openstreetmap but it is loading very slow. Now I have integrated Cartomap sdk which is loading faster then openstreetmap. Cartomap is free for limited use. I have created the app same as iOS App, anyone can use free of cost by setting IP and Port.
Please suggest how can I proceed with carto map?