Alarms sent by device

Joystick2 years ago

If a device send a alarm as part of the message i.e. “Harsh Braking”, will readonly and deviceReadonly users automatically be able to view the alarms in Events reports?

Joystick2 years ago

Just answered my own question. The users can see the alarms.

Joystick2 years ago

It seems like I am still experiencing a issue here.
I created another admin user and when I run a "Events" report on alarms, I get below response, but it returns [ ]
If I then log back in with the original admin account and run the same report it returns the alarms for the same period.

Yesterday after a reboot it came good but then this morning it does not work again.
Does anyone have some advice on where to look for the issue?
I am using MYSQL database, can the issue be there?
Any assistance would be appreciated

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