Airtag and Traccar > Now running

Imzenreally8 months ago

Yeah the latest osx encrypts the db where findmy stores its data - so the AirTagalex script cannot pull the location data out

And osx doesn’t allow iCloud logins from a vm so you can’t virtualize findmy either

ARMAND Michael6 months ago

I am very interested in the subject.

I can use the basic script without any problem and I retrieve the information in CSV, but when I repeat the lines of Imzenreally, terminal returns me "wget: command not found"
at the line wget ​​--spider -q http://XX.XX.XX.XX:5055?id=$tracname\&lat=$locationlatitude\&lon=$locationlongitude\&speed=0\&user=Airtag\&batteryLevel=$akku\&accuracy=$locationhorizontalaccuracy\×tamp=$locationtimestamp

do you have any idea where the problem could come from please?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

It seems like it's telling you exactly what the problem is - you don't have wget installed.

Duffy64 months ago

Is this still working?

What is the minimal MacOS version I need for this?
So I would buy an old used Mac Desktop for this.
Would a MacMini 3.1 with MacOS 10.6 work?

Imzenreally2 months ago

What is the newest macOS?

I’m pretty sure Big Sur should work - I’ve got an old ass Mac mini in my garage I e been meaning to wipe Linux off of and set up a old version Mac OS server - but haven’t got around to it yet

Check the airtagalex gighub repo I’m sure they have more details on the osx version that fucked shit up

Duffy62 months ago

I have it running now on a macmini3,1 with BigSur and its running fine for 4 weeks now!