The table name has changed from users
to tc_users
I apologize for putting it several times, I wasn't sure where it would be better. Thanks for the answer, I already did the steps and it gives me this result:
1 | ADMIN | admin | 1222591d613fbfbc03ca62e3766bf40dbd964cf8cb0a5765 | f6775fcaa25471f094c6aaa1b2377183dce3a2f3ad35b993 | FALSE | TRUE | custom | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 | TRUE | {"speedUnit": "kmh", "web.selectZoom": 18} | dd | FALSE | 2021-01-01 01:00:00 | -1 | null | 0 | FALSE | | FALSE | |
(data is partially truncated)
(32 rows, 4 ms)
sql> quit
What is the password to enter as admin?
you can try to reset password to default, next login as admin pass admin and then set new password.
UPDATE tc_users SET email = 'admin', hashedpassword = 'D33DCA55ABD4CC5BC76F2BC0B4E603FE2C6F61F4C1EF2D47', salt = '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' WHERE id = 1;
Thanks for the help. I have 2 files in opt / traccar / lib (h2-1.4.197.jar) and (h2-1.4.199.jar), in the 2 I made the change but I still cannot enter with user: admin pass: admin
Looking at the tc_users table I see that the admin user expires on 1/1/2021, could that be? and how can i change it? Thanks for the help.
UPDATE tc_users SET expirationtime = null WHERE id = 1;
sudo systemctl restart traccar.service
Thanks now it works !!!, I made the change in /opt/traccar/lib/h2-1.4.197.jar and it worked correctly, thanks for the time and the excellent support !!
Please I need help, in my admin account (traccar 4.0) I can't access, I need to change the password in the database but I don't know how to do it, I have debian and ssh access. I already did the previous steps but I can't (