add devices and ports

AlexGa year ago

hello, as im new to taccar please excuse me for dummy questions.
i have 100+ devices and i want to transfer to taccar, but as i now learning it, i want to ask if i need to change different port for every device to connect with taccar? all gps are from cantrack but different models. each model need to use different port?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Different protocols have to have different ports.

AlexGa year ago
  1. how i can install the modern web app i read?
  2. i need to use port to my domain everytime to connect? eg ? can have it and automatically opens the panel?
  3. i connect one device for test, i click for today calendar but says no data, but isnt true the device two hours now moving. need to enable the store somewhere?

ty in advance

AlexGa year ago

about 1, how i can see if i have the modern web already? where i can see images of old and new? today i install taccar so i guess i have the new?

Anton Tananaeva year ago
  1. Traccar comes with the modern web app by default if you install the latest version.
  2. You can change the port to 80 if you want to drop it, but normally we recommend configuring a domain and HTTPS.
  3. Have you followed the troubleshooting guide? Have you checked the timestamps?
AlexGa year ago
  1. ok perfect
  2. i change the port at default.xml from 8082 to 80 and now nothing opens either at 80 or 8082 :(

it goes me at almalinux test page and writes: This page is used to test the proper operation of the HTTP server after it has been installed. If you can read this page, it means that the HTTP server installed at this site is working properly.

AlexGa year ago

about 3 i check the logs and device sends with tommorow date, 29-3. how to correct device date time from taccar?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You have to figure out the root cause of the issue. Is device malfunctioning or is it just misconfigured.

AlexGa year ago

ok i configure the timezone of the device.

about the http i have installed to almalinux, but how to configure it to work with traccar? the documentation says for ubunty and the commands says canot found it at almalinux. neither the files i need to edit. :(

AlexGa year ago


  1. where i can set how many days log for every user?
  2. how to add brand logo or edit webpage generally?
  3. each device i add, i need to setup commands for each device or takes them automatically from the protocoll?
Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's a lot of questions, but many of them have already been discussed. I suggest you to do some research first before asking for further help.

AlexGa year ago

ok i resolve some of my questions for now.
but i cant find, about storage, for how many days it saves the routes?
i can set it from somewhere to store for 6 months max for example?

and if yes, must be done one time for whole server or need to set this to every new user?

ty <3

Anton Tananaeva year ago
AlexGa year ago

If device work with protocol port 5013 for example, can be wrong and work eg also with port 5001 and shows more options commands and sensors to the platform?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

No, it won't work on another protocol.