About "database.selectPositions" config

Aj4 months ago

I have already converted GPS coordinates to China GCJ-02 coordinates using a python script and stored them in the same database table tc_positions_3.
Then, I want to select AMap (AutoNavi) for trajectory display and use the coordinate data from tc_positions_3. The coordinates reported by the devices are still inserted into the tc_positions table. I have tried modifying the configuration file, like:

<entry key='database.selectPositions'>SELECT * FROM tc_positions_3 WHERE deviceId = :deviceId AND fixTime BETWEEN :from AND :to ORDER BY fixTime</entry>

And restart service ,but it not work;
And also creating a database view (CREATE VIEW tc_positions_view AS SELECT * FROM tc_positions_3;), but neither method has worked.
How can this be resolved? Do I need to modify the source code and compile it? I am not a developer, could you provide an example?
Thanks a lot!

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

What version of Traccar?

Aj4 months ago

latest V6.5,2024.9

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You cannot customize SQL queries on recent versions of Traccar. You have to change the source code.

Aj4 months ago

Thanks a lot! I ask my friends help me change the source code ;
And after all done , I will post chang code , help someone also have this question;

Aj4 months ago

I ask claude, and change F:\tmp\traccar\src\main\java\org\traccar\helper\model\PositionUtil.java

    public static List<Position> getPositions(
            Storage storage, long deviceId, Date from, Date to) throws StorageException {
        return storage.getObjects(Position.class, new Request(
                new Columns.All(),
                new Condition.And(
                        new Condition.Equals("deviceId", deviceId),
                        new Condition.Between("fixTime", "from", from, "to", to)),
                new Order("fixTime"))
                .setTableName("tc_positions_3")); // Set custom table name here

And now make the code

~/f/tmp/traccar$ ./gradlew assemble
<-------------> 0% CONFIGURING [16s]
> root project > Resolve dependencies of :classpath

Hope all is OK

Aj4 months ago

I‘m Done!
cp src/main/java/org/traccar/model/Position.java src/main/java/org/traccar/model/Position3.java
And Change This

public class Position3 extends Position {

And Change this file:

import java.util.ArrayList;
    public static List<Position> getPositions(
            Storage storage, long deviceId, Date from, Date to) throws StorageException {
        List<Position3> positions3 = storage.getObjects(Position3.class, new Request(
                new Columns.All(),
                new Condition.And(
                        new Condition.Equals("deviceId", deviceId),
                        new Condition.Between("fixTime", "from", from, "to", to)),
                new Order("fixTime")));

        // Convert List<Position3> to List<Position>
        return new ArrayList<>(positions3);

And make it
./gradlew assemble --info

> Task :assemble
Skipping task ':assemble' as it has no actions.

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.8/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation.

7 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 4 up-to-date

And it's Work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Traccar And Thanks Anton Tananaev!