3G China Tracker Unknown protocal

James Smith8 years ago

Hi guys, I have a tracker that looks like the Tk110 series. I have setup the tracker to connect to my traccar linux (ubuntu 16.04) 64bit server @ port 5001.

In the tracker-server.log i get the following..

another one that translates to *hq,0123456789,AGPS,0# (0123456789 = my IEMI number)
another one that translates to *HQ,0123456789,XT,1,100# (0123456789 = my IEMI number)

then at the very last line I get HEX: 284253303029 which translates to (BS00)

I have tried ports

5013 <-- confirm H02

Thank you :)

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It looks like H02 protocol (port 5013), but neither of the message examples that you provided have any location data.

James Smith8 years ago

your correct, no location data was received. Port 5013 did not work. to help the investigation it is a AccurateTracker Brand.. will update. going to also contact the suppler now.

James Smith8 years ago

update: restarted traccar server and reset GPS tracker, now getting this result:

edit: see below

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Can I see original HEX from Traccar logs?

James Smith8 years ago

EDIT: removed data

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Your text editor has cut some lines short.

James Smith8 years ago

still showing offline in traccar.. I used the 15 IEMI digits in the identifier textbox. hmm..

James Smith8 years ago

FULL traccar-server.log @ [removed]

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

EDIT: removed data

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Looks like this format is not supported yet. Do you have protocol documentation?

James Smith8 years ago

no, i do not. ill see if i can get my hands on it through the supplier. I'm already trying to understand the structure of the code as we speak

James Smith8 years ago
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Please send an email to support address to discuss implementation of this protocol.

James Smith8 years ago

Thanks, Email sent. close this thread if you wish.