3.17 - change in cursor direction

Ronaldo7 years ago

After updating to 3.17, there are no changes to the cursor.


2018-08-15 13:08:24 INFO: [E9F5AF0C] id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, time: 2018-08-15 13:08:15, lat: -21.30606, lon: -50.33723, speed: 5.7, course: 0.0

I've always used the separate mysql server, updates have always occurred on the application server.

can you help me? thank you!

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What cursor are you talking about?

Ronaldo7 years ago

Hi, how are you?

is the small sharp tip that indicates in which direction the device is moving.

in the log I sent you earlier, it is the "course:" responsible for doing this reading based on the angle sent by the tracer.

currently all devices are pointing to the north (course: 0.0).

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What devices are you using?

Managed to solve?

Ronaldo, estou com o mesmo problema aqui, se puder me ajudar, te agradeço

Ronaldo6 years ago

Puxa Brian, voltei somente agora... me desculpe!

não cheguei receber e-mails.

mas imagino que por hoje ser a versão 4.5 já deve ter resolvido...

Brian, I just came back now ... I'm sorry!

I did not get emails.

but I imagine that for today to be version 4.5 already must have solved ...