Yes, Traccar listens on all interfaces by default.
thanks for the quick revert. How do i check if NIC is the bottleneck, as I have only 2000 devices and 4000 user tracking them live thru websocket. In logs i am not finding any related errors. But I see issues in getting real-time update.
i was thinking for using one nic for the device and 2nd nic for the websocket user. Is it a good idea. ?
Doesn't really make sense to me. Network interfaces are almost never bottlenecks here. Number of devices might be large, but amount of traffic from each is relatively low.
agree but if websocket are increasing with number of user tracking them real-time, this can be a challenge ?
I don't think so. How many users are you expecting? The real bottleneck is the database.
Appreciate your quick and analytical response.
i hv 4000 users. The mysql database is on a different server. So may be it is using the same NIC. If that is the case, how can i connect the traccar mysql database using the second NIC.
I'm not sure I understand the obsession with NIC. Do you have any indication that it's a problem?
Sorry there is no obsession. But trying to identify the challenge. My servers are 4 vCPU and 32 GB ram. So doesn't look like low on resource
Also as i have monitored CPU Usage, Memory Usage, Network Usage across the application server, nginx websocket server and database server. I don't find any over-utilization or latency at any level.
The only observation i have is when websocket users increase drastically, in that hour, device real-time view is affected. For rest of the hours the entire working is good.
I have web.timeout as 50000 in my config file and server.timeout is 240
Have you followed our optimization guidelines?
yes followed this
Not sure if web.timeout and server.timeout is set adequately. As I have just reduced the values over a period of time based on my experience.
If you are pointing to any changes here please guide.
my devices are reporting every 10 sec while in motion and 60 seconds while static
Just to clarify, do you have 4000 users each tracking all 2000 device at the same time?
4000 users tracking 1/2 devices at the same time.
Then it shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks for your time. appreciate. Are you getting insight into where i should look into the same.
Can we have 2 IP or 2 Network Interface on same server talking to traccar ?