HUABAO incorrect battery level

vrish6 months ago

I have the following message coming from a g108 tracker. The device is connected to an EV. The EV battery has almost full charge at 27.8 volts.

The batteryLevel field is showing 24.2, which is incorrect.

Has anyone encountered this? Any recommendations?

I'm using v5.8 server. The protocol I'm using is HUABAO on port 5058.


Anton Tananaev6 months ago

I would recommend checking the raw data against the protocol documentation to see what your device is actually sending. Then we'll know whether it's a device side problem or a server.

vrish6 months ago

This is what the OEM protocol decoder gives.

All fields are showing correct in traccar, except for the batteryLevel field


7E [Packet Header]
0200 [Message ID] GPS Data
00BC [Message body’s Attribute] < BIN: 0000 0000 1011 1100 >
01366644xxxx [Tracker ID]
01C3 [Message SN] 451
00000000 [Alarm] < BIN: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 >
00000002 [State] < BIN: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 >
0119D3DF [Latitude] < 18.469855 >
0465F8F2 [Longitude] < 73.791730 >
0048 [Altitude] < 72 >
0000 [Speed] < 0 >
0010 [Direction] < 16 >
240701 [Date] 24-07-01
154521 [Time] 15:45:21
0x01: [01 04 00003DA6] < 1578.2 KM > --- Mileage, DWORD, 1/10KM Unit is 0.1KM
0x30: [30 01 11] < 17 > --- GSM Signal, 1 byte
0x31: [31 01 0A] < 10 > --- GNSS Signal, 1 byte, Number of positioning satellites
0xE1: [E1 02 0115] < 27.7 V> --- Battery voltage, 1 byte, unit 1/10V

74 [Check Code]
7E [Packet End]

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Looks like the battery level was decoded from 0xFE.

vrish6 months ago

What does that mean? And what are recommended next steps?

Is it a bug?

Or, is the decoding happening on an older or an almost similar protocol?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

It's not a bug. It sounds like a different variation of the protocol that's not fully supported yet.

vrish6 months ago

I had a typo. I typed 5058 when I meant 5015. The problem is still the same.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

And the answer still the same. Did something change?