Just starting with v6.1, since a v4.15 jump. Trouble with trips and devices reported time.

Richard Acosta8 months ago

I'm trying to make a trip report, but the list goes white. No data is pulled.

Server is with default settings since major version change.
I only added notifications api key, database connection params and enabled protocols list.
Only database was conserved "as is" because it has all devices, users and positions data.

¿May I be losing some config?

Just realized it seems to be happening with 4 devices only. ¿Do server take "trip" from something the devices report? (ACC maybe?)

Route seems to be well reported but with 13 hours difference error.
¿Is there a way to use server time instead of device time on the report by default? "Adjusted" time is also wrong.

Is a Huabao protocol device and when I query it's params and data using SMS is all correctly configured and gives the proper information. It seems not being correctly reporting to the server only.

Checked other devices and they report correctly.


Richard Acosta8 months ago

Time difference seems solved, device was not getting the commands to adjust time.

No trip solving, persists.

Richard Acosta8 months ago

Nope, devices and server have same time and date, but data gets saved 13 with hours later timestamp so I can't have a TODAY report.

Still no trip solving.

Richard Acosta7 months ago

Still having the issue, devices with correct time and zone, but server showing 13 hours error on device and corrected time/date.

Richard Acosta3 months ago

This was solved, had to disable trip report based on ACC and leave it only by motion.
Devices without ACC would never start a trip, but devices with ACC would not do it either. And some without ACC some times would generate a trip.