
amin3 months ago

the traccar just show longtitude and latitude but it does not show the address

odhiambo3 months ago

By address, do you mean location? Can you please share a screenshot of what you are talking about?

Maurilio Campos3 months ago

You need to setup a reverse geocoder service to get the address, look:

odhiambo3 months ago

@Maurilio, talking of which, how comes I don't see the longitude and latitude shown on my map? What do I need to do?
Screenshot 2024-06-19 164853.png

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You need to enable it in settings.

odhiambo3 months ago

Under which option?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

If you want to show it in the popup, then the option is called "popup info".

amin3 months ago


amin3 months ago

it just show longtitude and latitude. it does not show the address.for example name of street.

odhiambo3 months ago

You need to enable reverse geocoding.