Traccar Portal is getting slow and disconnected after sometime

Abhijit6 months ago

Hello Community,

I am using Oracle DB. After deploying the traccar jar in the linux server sometime it is working fine then after sometime while data is coming from the providers then it is getting slow and then it is going out and shows server error and also shows :-

HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms (total=20, active=20, idle=0, waiting=1) - SQLTransientConnectionException (... < QueryBuilder:86 < *:159 < DatabaseStorage:113 < ConnectionManager:277 < ...)

Our heap size is 8 then we can't dynamically increase the space so please help to find out what's wrong is going on.

Track-trace6 months ago

Why do you give so little context ?

How many devices you use with the server. What is the update frequency,
What are the server specs.

What did you already do to tune the server and database ?

Abhijit6 months ago

We are using 7 devices with 5 protocols. Update frequency is 1 minute.

We are installing the traccar 6.1 in the server and added the traccar-server jar file and also added ojdbc8 jar in the library because we are using Oracle.

After that we enable port in the firewall for receiving the data packets and then restart it.

Also I have applied with maximum pool size 200 but still getting the same issue.

Abhijit6 months ago

What is that

Abhijit6 months ago

I have posted my query. But what is that. This is not my answer and I am not joking here

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Ignore that comment. It was just spam. Sometimes we get those.

It looks like the issue is with the database connection.