Sending SMS to device.

Gerard Iscala6 months ago

Hello, your help please.

I am trying to configure the 1NCE API to send SMS to the devices and it works correctly in the following way.

traccar.xml file

 <entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,Command,web,sms,mail</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.url'></entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.method'>POST</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.authorization'>Bearer rtyewqasddeyJpZHRva2VuIjoiZXlKcmFXUWlPaUpVWlVkeWVqbExkbEJdfrhnjukfvgrfkkjjuyy</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.template'>
 "source_address": "12345678",
 "payload": "{message}"

but I need to make it dynamic that depends on the device that selects to send the command by SMS and take the {phone} variable that each device has configured. The following way does not work, help me how I can add the {phone} variable to the api url.
traccar.xml file

 <entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,Command,web,sms,mail</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.url'>{phone}/sms</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.method'>POST</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.authorization'>Bearer rtyewqasddeyJpZHRva2VuIjoiZXlKcmFXUWlPaUpVWlVkeWVqbExkbEJdfrhnjukfvgrfkkjjuyy</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.template'>
 "source_address": "12345678",
 "payload": "{message}"

Your help please

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Placeholders are not supported in the URL, as far as I remember.

Gerard Iscala6 months ago

Sorry, I don't understand the answer, or I didn't make myself understood.

Currently with this code it works perfectly for me.

 <entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,command,web,sms,mail</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.url'></entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.method'>POST</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.authorization'>Bearer rtyewqasddeyJpZHRva2VuIjoiZXlKcmFXUWlPaUpVWlVkeWVqbExkbEJdfrhnjukfvgrfkkjjuyy</entry>
 <input key='sms.http.template'>
 "source_address": "12345678",
 "payload": "{message}"

But I want to add the phone variable that each device has. The 1nce API requires the phone number to be specified in the url <entry key='sms.http.url'>{phone}/sms< /entry> this way java throws me a variable error.

Gerard Iscala6 months ago

Tracar generates the following error when sending the command via SMS.

The template variable 'phone' has no value - IllegalArgumentException (... < HttpSmsClient:87 < *:96 < BaseProtocol:127 < CommandsManager:82 < ...)

my traccar.xml file

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM ''>

 <!-- Documentation: -->

 <entry key='database.driver'>com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</entry>
 <entry key='database.url'>jdbc:mysql://localhost/traccar?zeroDateTimeBehavior=round&amp;serverTimezone=UTC&amp;allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&amp;useSSL=false&amp;allowMultiQueries=true&amp;autoReconnect=true&amp;useUnicode=yes&amp;characterEncoding= UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=sql_mode=''</entry>
 <entry key='database.user'>user</entry>
 <entry key='database.password'>password</entry>

 <entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,Command,web,sms,mail</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.url'>{phone}/sms</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.method'>POST</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.authorization'>Bearer rettvtveyJpZHRva2jgfcdddsddggvrwqaertubhhgfdsbcefy</entry>
 <entry key='sms.http.template'>
 "source_address": "12345678",
 "payload": "{message}"

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

... not supported ...

Baxtiyor5 months ago

Hallo everyone.
I want use traccar programm for sending sms gateway.

JSON Data: {"to":"+998333346767","message":"This is a test SMS from Traccar SMS Gateway!"}
Response Status: 401 Unauthorized
Error sending SMS: HTTP response error: status code 401 - 401 Unauthorized
exit status 1

But this problem

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

The error code is telling you what the problem is.

Baxtiyor5 months ago

Is there documentation for authorization?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

No, but you just need to send token in the authorization header.

Baxtiyor5 months ago
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonData))
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating request: %v\n", err)

    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer 933c4615-ba2f-4fcc-be29-a619f800a5db")

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "HTTP request error: %v\n", err)
    defer resp.Body.Close()

It is true?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I don't think you need Bearer. I also realized that your question is completely unrelated to the original discussion. Please find the right place to ask questions.

Dsuarez5 months ago

Hi gerard,

Did you find any solution to send messages to 1NCE sim cards?

Peek4 months ago
