Correct trip report .

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Hi ! I am new in Traccar and using Traccar version 5.10 . I have a confuesd on trip report. It combine two or more reports after 2nd report. For Example I need When I move from place A to place B (Distence 0.9 KM) duration 2 min. when i check this is okey. After when agian i return place B to A (distece 0.9 KM) duration 2 min. It combine the trip it shows like distance 1.8 KM duration 2.3 hours. It calculate the time we spend on place A also.
I need sepradte trip report for each any every time when we travel more than 500 meter when we stop the vechile and return on same location create a new trip for that.
Somebody help me please.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago
Bhanu From Nepal6 months ago

Thanks ! I read this but cant understnd in detail. But i sloved some problem from this article.