Events, but no notification

Unterixa year ago

Hello, after searching for a long time via the forum, here is my problem.
Traccar Server v5.12, Windows 2016

I have random behavior when triggering events by my devices (tested with alarm and geofence output).
Notifications are created for the alarm (general) and the geofence exit, the 'all devices' box checked.
For each, the Web and Telegram channels are selected, and tested OK (message test received and displayed).

When triggered, I do not receive any notification (neither web nor telegram) but the event is listed in the events page (including in server.log).
In the server.log, I observe two behaviors:

  • INFO: Event id: 9159080088, time: 2024-02-29 14:06:06, type: alarm, notifications: 0
  • INFO: Event id: 9159085587, time: 2024-02-29 10:51:20, type: geofenceExit, notifications: 1

Either the event does not generate a notification, although configured. Either the notification appears to be generated, and yet nothing is sent or received.

Observation/Question: When I look at the connections on each device, no configured notifications are listed for each device. Although notifications were configured as 'all devices'. Is this normal?

Any idea ?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Which alarm does your device generate? Are you sure it's "general"? That's very rare.

When I look at the connections on each device, no configured notifications are listed for each device. Although notifications were configured as 'all devices'. Is this normal?


Unterixa year ago

Thank you for your interest.
I have this details in the events, we find the alarm at 2:06 p.m. in the server.log :
Notifications configuration :

Anton Tananaeva year ago

This does look correct. Not sure why you're not receiving it.

Unterixa year ago

And notification details for the second case (geofence out) at 10h51.

Unterixa year ago

I have been in the 'test' period on Traccar for 2 days.
After numerous manipulations, I have the impression that depending on the order in which the different 'items' are created and configured, this influences the behavior of notifications. Then modified (from 'all devices' to each device individually). It then worked.
but when restoring the configuration to all devices, it no longer works.
Is there a way to start from scratch? empty the database (I'm using mysql)?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If you're trying to manipulate notifications when device is already actively connected and sending data, there might be some corner cases where you won't receive notifications immediately. Restarting the service will definitely resolve that. Or waiting will do as well. You don't need to clear the whole database. It won't help.

astronaut9 months ago

Hello, the same thing happens to me on Wanway.

I have done the same path with two wanway S20s and in the traccar client app. With the traccar client app it detects the instant geofence, but in the wanway, although traccar detects that it is inside the geofence, it does not notify that it is inside or outside.

Segarra9 months ago

Same case for me...
Traccar 6.2
Wanway S20
No notifications
Here are the logs...
One is notified with "alarm", Wanway S20
The other tracker, with GeofenceExit

Neither speed limits, for example

astronaut9 months ago

oh maybe traccar problem with protocol code.

astronaut9 months ago
2024-06-05 11:11:39  INFO: Event id: XXXXXX, time: 2024-06-05 11:10:31, type: geofenceExit, notifications: 1
2024-06-05 11:11:45  INFO: Event id: 8679XXXXXXXXXX6, time: 2024-06-05 11:11:40, type: alarm, notifications: 0
2024-06-05 11:12:31  INFO: Event id: 8679XXXXXXXXXX2, time: 2024-06-05 11:12:26, type: alarm, notifications: 0

And traccar knows they are inside geo:


astronaut9 months ago

solved, sent DFS_ON# to enable geofence in tracker.

Segarra9 months ago


Navneet Choudhary8 months ago

I can see the same behaviour with Speed limit exceeded and Geofence exited & entered notifications.

I can see them in events log but not in notification as rest of the notifications are working fine.