In the settings I can create geofences by polygon or line.
But I get a notification for one geofence around my house. Which does not see to show up like the new ones. It triggers the enter and exit events.
This would have been the only geofence pre-v5
Could that be hidden in the db somewhere, or is it related to a home location ? Just curious how it still takes effect
It is possible that another user has it.
Oh. Yes that’s entirely possible. There’s an admin account I dont use.
Can I move that geofence to another user? It just delete and recreate it.
It’s a circle. Which I see mention of in docs. But in the app you don’t seem to be able to crate a circle any more
You can link an existing geofence to another user.
In the settings I can create geofences by polygon or line.
But I get a notification for one geofence around my house. Which does not see to show up like the new ones. It triggers the enter and exit events.
This would have been the only geofence pre-v5
Could that be hidden in the db somewhere, or is it related to a home location ? Just curious how it still takes effect