traccar v6.2 start service error

Hendry Moronta9 months ago

I have correctly installed the traccar server v6.2.
I have modified the database parameters. The service does not start. indicates the following error.

 traccar.service - traccar
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/traccar.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-06-01 18:45:58 CDT; 7s ago
    Process: 3129 ExecStart=/opt/traccar/jre/bin/java -jar tracker-server.jar conf/traccar.xml (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 3129 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Anton Tananaev9 months ago

You have to check logs.

Hendry Moronta9 months ago

I found these records

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.3::changelog-3.3::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.5::changelog-3.5::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.6::changelog-3.6::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.7::changelog-3.7::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.7::changelog-3.7-notmssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.8::changelog-3.8::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.9::changelog-3.9::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.10::changelog-3.10::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.10::changelog-3.10-notmssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.10::changelog-3.10-mssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.10::changelog-3.7-mssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.11::changelog-3.11::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.12::changelog-3.12::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.12::changelog-3.12-notmssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.12::changelog-3.12-pgsql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.14::changelog-3.14::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.15::changelog-3.15::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.16::changelog-3.16::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.17::changelog-3.3-admin::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-3.17::changelog-3.17::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.0::changelog-4.0-pre::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.0::changelog-4.0-common::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.0::changelog-4.0-pg::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.0::changelog-4.0::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.0::changelog-4.0-renaming::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : Not precondition failed

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Marking ChangeSet: "changelog-4.1::changelog-4.1-mssql::author" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN':
          schema/changelog-master.xml : DBMS Precondition failed: expected mssql, got h2

2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Index user_device_user_id created
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Index position_deviceid_fixtime created
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.7::changelog-4.7::author ran successfully in 64ms
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Index event_deviceid_servertime created
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.9::changelog-4.9::author ran successfully in 1ms
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Columns protocols(VARCHAR(4096)) added to tc_statistics
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.10::changelog-4.10::author ran successfully in 7ms
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Columns announcement(VARCHAR(4000)) added to tc_servers
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.11::changelog-4.11::author ran successfully in 4ms
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Column tc_events.servertime renamed to eventtime
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.13::changelog-4.13::author ran successfully in 2ms
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Table tc_orders created
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Table tc_user_order created
2024-06-02 00:26:00  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_order (userid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_order (orderid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_group_order created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_order (groupid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_order (orderid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_device_order created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_order (deviceid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_order (orderid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-4.15::changelog-4.15::author ran successfully in 17ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns disablereports(BOOLEAN) added to tc_servers
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns disablereports(BOOLEAN) added to tc_users
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_orders.toAddress renamed to toaddresstmp
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_orders.fromAddress renamed to fromaddresstmp
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_orders.toaddresstmp renamed to toaddress
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_orders.fromaddresstmp renamed to fromaddress
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.0::changelog-5.0::author ran successfully in 27ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_drivers_uniqueid created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_devices_uniqueid created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_users_email created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_users_login created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_users_token created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns overlayurl(VARCHAR(512)) added to tc_servers
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.1::changelog-5.1::author ran successfully in 9ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns status(CHAR(8)) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns geofenceids(VARCHAR(128)) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.2::changelog-5.2::author ran successfully in 24ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns fixedemail(BOOLEAN) added to tc_servers
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns fixedemail(BOOLEAN) added to tc_users
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns expirationtime(TIMESTAMP) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_keystore created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_users_token dropped from table tc_users
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_users.token dropped
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.3::changelog-5.3::author ran successfully in 39ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns motionstate(BOOLEAN),motiontime(TIMESTAMP),motiondistance(DOUBLE),overspeedstate(BOOLEAN),overspeedtime(TIMESTAMP),overspeedgeofenceid(INT) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_commands_queue created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_commands_queue (deviceid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Index idx_commands_queue_deviceid created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.4::changelog-5.4::author ran successfully in 57ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_commands_queue.description dropped
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.5::changelog-5.5::author ran successfully in 4ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns motionstreak(BOOLEAN) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_reports created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_reports (calendarid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_user_report created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_report (userid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_report (reportid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_group_report created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_report (groupid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_report (reportid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Table tc_device_report created
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_report (deviceid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_report (reportid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.6::changelog-5.6::author ran successfully in 24ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns commandid(INT) added to tc_notifications
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_notifications (commandid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.7::changelog-5.7::author ran successfully in 6ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_devices.geofenceids dropped
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns geofenceids(VARCHAR(128)) added to tc_positions
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.8::changelog-5.8::author ran successfully in 14ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns calendarid(INT) added to tc_devices
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_devices (calendarid)
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.9::changelog-5.9::author ran successfully in 10ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns totpkey(VARCHAR(64)) added to tc_users
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.10::changelog-5.10::author ran successfully in 9ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns temporary(BOOLEAN) added to tc_users
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.11::changelog-5.11::author ran successfully in 8ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_servers.twelvehourformat dropped
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Column tc_users.twelvehourformat dropped
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Columns priority(INT) added to tc_attributes
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: ChangeSet changelog-6.2::changelog-6.2::author ran successfully in 14ms
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: UPDATE SUMMARY
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Run:                         47
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Previously run:               0
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Filtered out:                 0
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: -------------------------------
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Total change sets:           47

2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Update summary generated
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Update command completed successfully.
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Command execution complete
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: jetty-11.0.21; built: 2024-05-14T03:19:28.958Z; git: 996cd61addad9cb033e0e3eba6fa3f0fa3dc270d; jvm 21.0.2+13-LTS
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: Started o.t.w.@d2de84b{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: Session workerName=node0
2024-06-02 00:26:03  WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@739a9db0{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started ServerConnector@2bef134b{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started Server@2d2d73e6{STARTING}[11.0.21,sto=0] @8193ms
2024-06-02 00:26:43  INFO: Stopping server...
Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Looks like the service was simply stopped.

Hendry Moronta9 months ago

I have tried starting and restarting the service without success.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Are you sure it's new logs? Because it shows that the server started just fine and then you stopped it.

Hendry Moronta9 months ago

These are the new records, it stops automatically

2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Update summary generated
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Update command completed successfully.
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2024-06-02 00:26:01  INFO: Command execution complete
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: jetty-11.0.21; built: 2024-05-14T03:19:28.958Z; git: 996cd61addad9cb033e0e3eba6fa3f0fa3dc270d; jvm 21.0.2+13-LTS
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: Started o.t.w.@d2de84b{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2024-06-02 00:26:02  INFO: Session workerName=node0
2024-06-02 00:26:03  WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@739a9db0{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started ServerConnector@2bef134b{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2024-06-02 00:26:03  INFO: Started Server@2d2d73e6{STARTING}[11.0.21,sto=0] @8193ms
2024-06-02 00:26:43  INFO: Stopping server...
Hendry Moronta9 months ago

If I change to the default values ​​it works perfectly, but I want to use the mysql database

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

You probably need to check systemd logs to see why it's stopped. There are no errors.


It seems that you stopped the server while it was creating the BD tables, and caused damage to the DB. I recommend running your backup again on a new bd connection.

Alan Lobo9 months ago

how do you go about resetting the database and letting traccar create all the tables from scratch ?

I tried switching from h2 to postgres ( fresh database. no migration ). I keep hitting

ERROR: Main method error - Database is in a locked state. It could be due to early service termination on a previous launch. To unlock you can run this query: 'UPDATE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK SET locked = 0'. Make sure the schema is up to date before unlocking the database. - DatabaseLockException (DatabaseModule:102 < <gener:-1 < *:-1 < ... < MainModule:128 < ...)