Push notification erro traccar 6.1

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

Hi, push notification not working, in server log show this warning:
'WARN: Push user 1 error Authorization error'


Hendry Moronta4 months ago

What operating system and database engine do you use?

Hendry Moronta4 months ago

You can find your personal API key on the Account page. You need to be registered on the website traccar.org

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

Windows 10

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

Traccar 6.1 oficial

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

Tanks, for helping me,
I put this KEY, but not working yet.


Daniel_pvh4 months ago

Set personal api Key,
But erro persist,

Daniel_pvh4 months ago


Anton Tananaev4 months ago

The error seems to indicate that the key is incorrect. Make sure the key is correct and you don't have any extra spaces or line breaks anywhere.

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

just enter the key or do you have to configure something in the server settings?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You don't need to configure anything in the server settings.

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

need change anything here?

Sem título.jpg

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

I create this notification for test

Daniel_pvh4 months ago

i restart the server and log show this,


Daniel_pvh4 months ago

tracker is on line.
