Firebase notification error problem

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

I am trying to setup firebase notification for my new custom app , geeting error like this:

Firebase user 33 error - SenderId mismatch - FirebaseMessagingException (... < NotificatorFirebase:114 < NotificationResource:96 < ... < OverrideFilter:49 

Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.

Cristian7 months ago

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-28 a la(s) 8.07.54 p. m..png

try removing the notifications token

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Hello, Cristian thanks for your replay. I removed all notification token , also restart the server but same error. Is there any special seeting or configuration needed on firebase setting? In my preivious custom app it works fine but i am trying with new firebase porject and new custom android app on same server by removind old firebase API.

Cristian7 months ago

and did you replace in the traccar.xml configuration file the firebase service account key?

<entry key='notificator.firebase.serviceAccount'>
Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago


<entry key='notificator.firebase.serviceAccount'>
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "z1-new-tracking",
  "private_key_id": "84a0d95fb8571f6edf6c49faaf97ab***********",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nXkCQc/7i5zp+WbnmrrJoKLBb****************ectM0oIXUw4JSVBvABs7\n6oQXLSroJREASvuMAEewBJ/lcA5ORNwjLCSWcED6UQKBgA1bf4F7qYuLuZU5C407\nXg+JcnIcbkHXGG9jWwqRty8Y5jChu8YH54ccvyR5KPnRqa47qD2hfyXnV87DIvjl\njoU6YSVsFbZeM8SKPnHsq/V4zEaJq82hedmrlJby2pKeU0neCupFX5g5ReZZS6Ye\nUXjxFiRuVLJcCnhke0EP7fl5\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "103681471269467682927",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "",
  "universe_domain": ""

Note: I replace some char. with "*"

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

From what I understand, the error means that your app project is different from your server project.

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Thanks for your responce & support. Please give me some idea when I send notification from firbase console it is working on same app project. But, not working from here.

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Most likely something is misconfigured somewhere.

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Hello ! Now , When I am sending test message , here not any error shown in log but cant get notification on app. Please guide me possiable resaons. I removed token from user user account-attrinutes , clear all catch , restart server several times, notification is allow on mobile app. Please help me. My app build in react native , do we need to do any extra configuration on app development side, server side or firebase. We are getting notification from firebase on same app when I try it from firebase console.

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Anybody Help Me Please.

Cristian7 months ago

Bhanu From Nepa, the issue is that there could be 1 or more problems, as it involves firebase configuration, Traccar server, Apps configuration. There is also the option to pay for consultancy, it may be an option for you.

At least find out if they can help you

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Thanks !
I have two apps running on playstore z1 tracker and z1 tracker Pro. Pro is my new app devleoped in recat native. I am geeting notification on old app from same server when I remove old firebase code and replace with new apps firebase code mention above in traccar.xml it doesnot show any error but notification not delivered to mobile app.
So, I think there is not any error on server side. But I cant find the actual problem.

Cristian7 months ago

what do you mean by new app devleoped in recat native

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

I mean I developed a app in flutter and running on playstore and ios its well function notification. Now, I changed my app and publishd in play store which is developed in recat native.
Now i have to shift firebase notification from old app to new app.
When i try to replace firebase setting from old to new on traccar.xml it not works.

Bhanu From Nepal7 months ago

Sorry for weak english.