Location condition

ozz_wizard8 months ago

Regards to all. Does anyone have any logic on how to fix the problem?
Let me try to clarify.
If I have ten devices added to the server and I have the locations of their houses, is it possible that when they appear within a 20 meter radius of the house location, all positions are discarded, i.e. those locations are filtered until the device goes out of that twenty meter radius meters.
So in short how to filter locations if the device is within twenty meters of the entered location in this case the location of the house

Thank you all.

homa8 months ago

if devices connect via WiFi and you know IPs, you can use https://github.com/traccar/traccar/issues/4794

ozz_wizard8 months ago

Thank you homa. But they don't have static IP addresses

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

You can filter by distance, but there's no option to override location based on a geofence.

homa8 months ago

you can modify script for change coordinates by condition. I think, you can add condition (lat>x and lat<y and lon>f and lon<d) and change coordinates to necessary. Or you can add radius calculation and change coordinates by hit to this radius. It is possible