Put a cell phone to report in Traccar without using Traccar Client

JULIAN5 months ago

Good afternoon colleagues, I come to your aid for a little help with this issue.

I have my cellular device and I want to set it to report as if it were a normal GPS device, I have the imei and I already have it registered in the TRACCAR database, how do I get it to report to the Traccar server?

I know that cell phones communicate through port 5055

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Please don't use all caps. Be respectful to others on the forum.

JULIAN5 months ago

I'm really sorry for my mistake

Track-trace5 months ago

You should install traccar cliƫnt from playstore and set the correct ip / url to your server.

rolsch5 months ago

You must have a software that transfer the GPS data to the traccar server.

Read the manual:



  • Hint: don't use the imei (security background...)
