Suntech ST4315 U 4G don't update position

hvendrame8 months ago

Device is online, position send (check raw/log), but last_position on device is 3 days ago.
Traccar version - 6.11

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Is there a reason you're not providing logs?

hvendrame8 months ago

Do you need all logs? can I send tracker-server.log if you need -!Ag6WmFC1S-nvhfFvBa8Nfr_ol3TadA?e=ckT617
This some lines that have unique id - 0840061237

2024-04-30 03:06:30  INFO: [T8310c33b: suntech <] 5354543b303834303036343031383b4646463833463b38343b312e302e31333b313b32303234303433303b30333a30363a31333b2d32342e3635353237333b2d35332e3833303235323b362e39383b33332e35343b31353b313b30303030303030313b30303030303030303b313b333b383630313b3b30303033383030463b32372e37393b342e313b3b383b32313830303435353b3135313b35313437370d
2024-04-30 03:06:30  INFO: [T8310c33b] id: 0840064018, time: 2024-04-30 03:06:13, lat: -24.65527, lon: -53.83025, speed: 3.8, course: 33.5
2024-04-30 03:06:30  INFO: Event id: 0840061237, time: 2024-04-30 03:06:30, type: deviceUnknown, notifications: 0

2024-04-30 03:26:36  INFO: [T7f992c28: suntech <] 5354543b303834303036313233373b4646463833463b38343b312e302e31333b313b32303234303433303b30333a32363a33353b2d33312e3934323234353b2d35322e3331303438383b302e30303b302e30303b353b313b30303030303030303b30303030303030303b303b313b373636383b3b30303033383030463b32342e
2024-04-30 03:26:36  INFO: [T7f992c28: suntech <] 35333b342e313b3b383b37353438383034383b303b39363937340d
2024-04-30 03:26:36  INFO: Event id: 0840061237, time: 2024-04-30 03:26:36, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 0
2024-04-30 03:26:38  INFO: [Te6d8bc08: suntech <] 5354333030414c563b3531313538393936350d
2024-04-30 03:26:38  INFO: [T5839572b: suntech <] 
Anton Tananaev8 months ago

I tested your samples and they work just fine for me on the latest version of Traccar.

hvendrame8 months ago

I'm on 6.1 too.
I have this position on Front-end:!Ag6WmFC1S-nviJlvxZ_CYsBdzAys4w?e=ICtL0w
position table/database -!Ag6WmFC1S-nviJlxN-KLoIj0qDy-og?e=p8d3ai
Device -!Ag6WmFC1S-nviJlweOR0n1ZNFjkL0A?e=S4ca1e

At front-end its online.
Device lastupdate is ok.
In position table, the last row is 26/04.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Then the issue is not with decoding, but somewhere else.

hvendrame8 months ago

What we can try?

hvendrame8 months ago

@Anton, Can you help me about it?

Device are decoding but don't save at database.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

I don't have any other ideas.

hvendrame8 months ago

Right, the step is - Decode and after save? and after this, update device field (lastupdate)

hvendrame8 months ago

Only to answer to future problems..

I'm using Docker, restarted container and all work fine.
I don't know what was the problem. - I think cache(?)

Rand3 months ago

Which port have you used? 5011? I can't make it work

hvendrame3 months ago

Yes, 5011.
Can you check here -

Your firewall was opened?