Timezone Aliases Loading Error After Upgrading from Traccar 5.12 to 6.1

snown8 months ago


Adriano Miranda8 months ago
snown8 months ago


Adriano Miranda8 months ago

Well, it seems that the issue keep happening, and so far, it appears to be limited to the Teltonika protocol.


Regarding the logger.level configuration, I'm considering setting it to all to aid in troubleshooting. However, I'm unsure if this level of verbosity might overwhelm the logs.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Changing log level most likely won't give you anything. It will just make it harder to review logs.

Adriano Miranda8 months ago

Thanks Anton.

Well, anyway, I just downgraded to version 5.12. Everything seems to be working normally now. All the positions are being saved in the database considering the UTC timestamp instead of UTC -3 (which suggests that the opposite is a peculiarity of version 6.1).

I'm using the exact same traccar.xml file.

Victor Butler4 months ago

Hi, have you upgraded to 6.4 version or you are still on 5.12? If yes, do you still see those issues with tteltonika?

Adriano Miranda4 months ago

Hi Victor,

I’m currently using version 6.2.

I suspect the issue might have been related to directly modifying the devices in the database, though I’m not entirely sure. I’ve since recreated all the devices that were showing strange behavior, and everything seems to be working fine for now.

Victor Butler4 months ago

Thanks, Adriano! I just updated to 6.4 due to data points not recorded in the database. Issue seems to be fixed now, we'll see.