Icons Disappeared on Map

Jeffa year ago


I have a problem with regards to the icons of the GPS devices, they suddenly disappeared and not showing on the map, so I technically don't know where the units are now on the map.

checking the web logs, I'm unable to access the link and got error

GET https://cdn.traccar.com/map/fonts/Roboto%20Regular/0-255.pbf net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT


Anton Tananaeva year ago

The link is working for me, so seems like you have some network connection issue.

Jeffa year ago

ill try to check my network..
is this the reason why the icons disappeared?


Anton Tananaeva year ago

Don't know, but it could be.

Jeffa year ago

lets say it does, is there a way to change the settings and host the icons the files locally?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Icon files are local.

Jeffa year ago

hmmm... further debugging I found this in the console logs..



Jeffa year ago

Btw, is it possible to change this address to a local address?
so i can debut if this is the root cause?


Antonio8 months ago

same happened to me today, icons suddenly disappered from map

traccar server version 5.12

any ideas ?