Device recomendation for medical equipment.

Hernána year ago

I am in a project that seeks to prevent theft of portable medical equipment. We need some monitoring equipment with battery support that is small in size. Any recommendations you can give me? Thank you very much in advance.

dseguraa year ago

Teltonika offers some magnet ones with battery life of 5 years. I also tried Concox, also magnetic, and rechargable batteries. They aren't too small though, around 15x15 cm, Don't know if that is what you may be looking for. Those are the ones I tested to prevent thefts, since they are tamper proof. If you prefer smaller gps, no idea, but teltonika's FMB and FMC003 seem small enough, can't speak for their usage though.

Mictracka year ago

Hi Hernan, If you require a smaller device for medical equipment tracking, the Mictrack MT710 is an excellent choice. It can work for one year with one report per day. It also features a WiFi positioning priority mode, allowing it to use WiFi indoors and automatically switch to GPS tracking outdoors. If size isn't a critical factor, the Mictrack MT700 might be even better suited for your needs because of its ultra-low power and larger battery capacity. Currently, we have customers successfully using the MT700 for medical equipment tracking.

Hernána year ago

Thank you very much. The FMB is kind of ideal, but a little bit expensive. Do anyone have some compatible generic tracker recomendation ?