additional BT information in the API response?

qlexa year ago

using Teltonika devices (i.e. FMB130) that support beacon discovery, so that it can check bluetooth in the vicinity.
According to their wiki ( sending "btgetlist 0" device will respond with BT_LIST_Discovered.
Is it possible to have that info somehow in the API response of Traccar? I.e. configure something in the device itself and have API send that information along with lat/lon/speed etc ?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Have you asked Teltonika to see if it can report that data? And if yes, ask for format documentation.

qlexa year ago

Yes i have. They have responded that Codec 12 would be used for that and to quote:

"Yes, it is possible, but command "btgetlist 0" should be sent as GPRS message in codec 12 format from the server. Bear in mind, Non Stop Scan should be disabled in configuration.
Detailed instruction, how to send GPRS command is available on Teltonika Wiki:

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Great, but have you checked if you can see anything about it in the doc? I don't.

qlexa year ago

Hi, you mean in the teltonika link? They mention Codec 12, but i guess you mean the btgetlist 0 command? Is this not handled as other GPRS commands, mentioned here ?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Obviously I'm referring to the Teltonika link. I'm talking about the "BT_LIST_Discovered". Isn't it what your question was about. I'm confused.

qlexa year ago

Well, i think what i mean was to send "periodically" btgetlist 0 command in the Teltonika itself (to know how many BT devices are discovered) and receive that in the api response of /api/positions/

Anton Tananaeva year ago

The first part is something complete new. I don't even see any hints to it in your original post.

The second part is what we're talking about.

qlexa year ago

I don't have that device with me yet, need to go to client and can see in the config itself, if we can initiate that command directly in the configuration tool. What info from teltonika would you need to be able to add that data to the /api/positions response? I would just need an integer value (number of discovered devices) and time of record.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

We're going in circles here. All I need is documentation.

qlexa year ago

OK, what is missing in the one i sent? Just need clear info which i will pass to teltonika :)

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I don't see BT_LIST_Discovered anywhere in the document, but I must be blind because I'm sure you checked it before forwarding the document here.

qlexa year ago

Will this help ?
Bluetooth commands include that btgetlist # command.

qlexa year ago

Hi Anton. Please let me know if there's anything I should get from Teltonika to help and/or initiate on one FMB to see what the output is.