No notification send

HJvDa year ago

I've set my server to send Telegram-notifications when leaving the geofence. When sending a test-message from my server, Telegram is actually receiving the message. So there's no problem. In today's ride, I left the geofence, but no message was send. The server noticed that the vehicle left te geofence, I also could see in the report of the veheicle, and in the log:

2024-04-10 08:33:04  INFO: Event id: ******, time: 2024-04-10 08:33:04, type: geofenceExit, notifications: 0

In devices, I selected the geofence and notification to be sent (alarm when leaving geofence). In my opinion, all settings should be fine. Anyone any ideas what could be wrong here?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's probably the wrong notification type. Alarms are reported from devices.

HJvDa year ago

Yes! That could be the thing. I'm going to test again with these new settings. Thanks Anton.

Richard Acostaa year ago

I use the same and is not working for me.
It was in the past, but suddenly almost every notification stopped working except for status unknown ones and device offline.

Richard Acosta10 months ago

There seems to be something wrong with the telegram/traccar relation.
A couple days ago notifications started to work out of nothing, and yesterday stopped again. Nothing done on my side...

HJvD10 months ago

My problem is actually solved with the suggestion from Anton. In notification, I set type to 'leaving geofence' and channel to 'telegram'. After that i was able to test the working of the notification going to Telegram by pushing the button 'Testchannel'. For me this is working fine right now.

In my configuration xml I have:

<entry key='notificator.types'>web,telegram,mail</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.key'>xxxxx:xxxxx</entry>
<entry key='notificator.telegram.chatId'>xxxxxx</entry>

Hope it helps.

4574789554752 months ago

obg HJvD, eu estava usando outro modo que funcionava bem, mas parou e agora o jeito que vc deixou funciona bem.


    <entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,sms</entry>
    <entry key='notificator.sms.manager.class'>org.traccar.sms.HttpSmsClient</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.url'></entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.user'>[NÃO COLOCAR NADA AQUI]</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.password'>[NÃO COLOCAR NADA AQUI]</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.template'>