404 after upgrade to Version 6

timmcmic8 months ago

Hey everyone...

Just wanted to share a quick note on my upgrade to version 6. Post the upgrade to version 6 I was getting a 404 after clearing my browser cache.

I uninstalled and reinstalled without restoring anything and noted that everything worked. Whenever I put my traccar.xml back into play things would fail again.

In a previous version of traccar I added the following to my traccar.xml file;

 <entry key='web.enable'>true</entry>
 <entry key='web.port'>8082</entry>
 <entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>

I updated each of these entries with #

#<entry key='web.enable'>true</entry>
#<entry key='web.port'>8082</entry>
#<entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>

After commenting these sections out and restarting the service everything worked well.

It would appear that with the announcement of removing the legacy version these are no longer necessary I would assume.

I hope this helps someone on the next upgrade.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

It was never necessary. I don't know why you would have those lines in your configuration in the first place.

timmcmic8 months ago

Honestly at this stage not sure why - I’m sure I found it somewhere online trying to fix something.

It’s worked up till now so I figured I’d share my experience assuming someone out there has the same.

Thanks did the prompt response as always.

Bob Alooza8 months ago

I had the same experience today. It was the web.path entry that caused the issue. mine was on modern as well.

timmcmic8 months ago

Good to know I’m not alone!!!

MP8 months ago

Получил ту же ошибку,в моем конфиге не было

<entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>

Закоментил в default.xml, получил 502 bad gateway nginx..
Вернулся на версию 5.12,раскоментил web.path- все работает.

MP8 months ago

А ошибка была в том,что по инструкции надо удалять старый файл default.xml,который я вынес из контейнера докера.
Поэтому при обновлении контейнера,не забывайте про проброшенные пути и файлы.

Henk-Jan8 months ago

Got the same problem. After every update i copy always the whole /conf directory with default.xml from the old version to the new one. Not smart because there could be changes in default.xml. After replacing default.xml with the delivered one with the last update i fixed the 404 error. My fault. :)