gt06 protocol devicetime and fixtime explained

Hello everyone, I have a problem with gt06 protocol devices:

It doesn't matter if I configure GMT-5 to the device or if I put it in GMT0, it always reports different hours in devicetime and the same fixtime, I miss it and that's why I make this post, it is that the correct hours are reported when the "attributes" field of The tc_positions table starts at {"status... and when the "network" field is null, can someone tell me why this happens? Is there a solution?

In the image you can see the records marked in red are the real time...

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Status messages don't include location data, so it's absolutely expected that it will include old (last known) location.

Hello Anton, thank you for your answer, but the question was not directed at the location as such, it was directed at the issue of devicetime and fixtime, which is only when network is null and the attributes start with {"status, the time of the devicetime is correct, so the opposite is incorrect

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You have to look at the raw data in the logs to see what's going on.