sms verification

amin5 months ago

can we add sms verification befor registiration in traccar?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Are you interested in sponsoring the work or you just want us to add it as a part of our open source roadmap?

Haim Rodrik5 months ago

JT808 is Chinese standard protocol. Now most of the new trackers going to use the jt808 protocol as national standard.
I have the documentation I can forward to traccar.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Haim Rodrik, your comment is completely off-topic. Please respect the community.

Haim Rodrik5 months ago

Sorry, tried to be helpful

amin5 months ago

i want add it as part of open source

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Then you should submit a feature request on GitHub. Make sure you provide more details about use cases and alternatives.

amin5 months ago

ok.thank you.