I suspect something is wrong with the timezone configuration. We use the timezone browser provides, so something is likely misconfigured on the user's machine.
Thank you Anton.
On the server logs, the time is fine. Everything was fine until one moment. Could it be related to the change
<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.distance'>50</entry>
Only that and the new database server (MS SQL) is different from the beginning of use when everything was fine.
It could be related to that if all the data is filtered. Obviously I assumed that you did some basic sanity check, like verify what's happening in the logs.
I have a time difference between clients on the same server. on the client different times on the server. If the difference in time was only with the user, he would think it was up to the client. This is how the wrong time of both the user and the server match.
In the logs is the correct time
All suggestions are welcome
here's the picture
User 1
User 2