Using parameter io196 for driver identification

rafal65a year ago

Hello, I have a Teltonika FMB130 device and EYE BEACON. EYE BEACON connects to FMB130 as can be seen in the device details, value: beacon1Uuid, name: beacon1Uuid and value: ffffffff312c701961c755aadcd61ac4 -> this is the value that EYE BEACON transmits through the FMB130 module to TracCar. How to enter this value as driver ID?

rafal65a year ago

You can display the driverid in the map window, I have a problem, after adding deviceuniqueid the driverid is not displayed, why?

rafal65a year ago

Welcome back. I won't rest until I manage to do this.
Unfortunately, I did not receive an answer to my question. Neither way of assigning an attribute to the driver worked (I tried with and without " characters, as an attribute and directly).
In my opinion, if the beacon1Uuid 05ffffff0a8c801961c755aab5362bc4 attribute was correctly assigned to the driver, the driver's name would be displayed correctly
on the main map after clicking on the device, but it is not displayed. As you can see in the photos below, the beacon id is entered in the tc_positions table in the field
attributes in mysql database.
So I ask again how to assign this attribute to the driver?

rafal65a year ago
rafal65a year ago
rafal65a year ago
Anton Tananaeva year ago

Attribute "beacon1Uuid" is not a "driver id". If you want to use it as a driver id, you have to convert it using computed attributes. It is clearly explained earlier in this thread.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You will be banned on the forum if you spam again like this.

rafal65a year ago

I'm very sorry for spamming, I couldn't send all the links in one post.
How to convert my data to driver id?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Nobody needs to see 10 screenshots, most of which are completely irrelevant to the conversation.

To convert, you have to use computed attributes, as I said multiple times in this thread. If you already read the documentation about it and don't understand how to use it, it's probably not for you. Computed attributes is a feature intended for advanced users who have at least some basic technical background.