OpenWeather Map Layers - ERROR

Alcaldejaua year ago

Dear friends.
I currently need to use OpenMaps as a layer on traccar.
It should work fine but the layers keeps flashing all the time, just about every second and information is updated on the map.
I understand that the bottom layer should be updated the the refresh of the top layers is causing excessive use of the API. There were over 675 API calls in over a minute!

So not only the API calls exceed any reasonable use, but the maps are impossible to see!


  1. How can I reduce the API calls and avoid the layer to refresh the entire time?

  2. Should not be the top layer updated on a different basis than the bottom one?

The only way the maps work properly is if no device locatioin is updated, if there are vehicles sending information, the layers gets out of control!

Please need help to solve this issue!

Anton Tananaeva year ago
  1. You should check their caching policy.
  2. Yes.
Alcaldejaua year ago

Hey Anton, thank you very your reply.

  1. I am sorry but got kind of lost! What would their caching policy have to do with it? Aren´t the calls being originated in traccar? So what your are saying is that is no cache for that information, but even if there were, it would not avoid the flashing.
    But still, considering your thougth, I would need to store information from OpenWeatherMaps to avoid excessive API calls, and only update ir in programmed intervals, and I going to the right direction?

  2. I am searching all documents, files, forums, if the update rate should be different, how do I set it?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Are you familiar with HTTP caching?

Alcaldejaua year ago

Yes, I am.
You suggest that data collected from the API to be stored and cached to be used on the layer?
But how would that avoid the flashing on the map? That would end the excessive calls on the API but not the flashing, right?

Another possibility I thought is to get the layer in zoom zero and sowehow fix it over the map and update is on invervals...

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You realize that the weather is just a map layer, right? We don't call any special "API".

Alcaldejaua year ago

Yes, of course I do! And that's why I find it very strange!

For OpenWeather Preciptation to work, for example, I have to add my API key into the server attributes.
One I add the key the start using the map, withing a couple of minutes I get an email!

"Dear Customer,
Your OpenWeatherMap API key (removed) is temporary blocked due to the continual sufficient exceeding of the calls per minute limit by performing 678 requests within a minute but the limit for the Free account is 60 rpm."

Considering that the layers does not remain still on the map and keeps flashing the entire time, I think that every flash of every vehicle position update is making a call using that key!

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Please provide a screen recording.

Alcaldejaua year ago

It took a while to upload the video.
Here is the youtube link.
All configurations were done in traccar.

  1. API Key for OpenWeather inserted at Attributes of Server
  2. Overlay chosen

I have 03 instances running and all the same situation, the same effect.
It does not matter if I access via traccar or via any other mod.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

This is not Traccar.

Alcaldejaua year ago

You are right, now this is:

Alcaldejaua year ago

Here is another video with the API Key information and how its configured.

Alcaldejaua year ago

Any thoughts anyone? I have to deploy a project tomorrow morning and still havent figured it out!
Could anyone try to replicate the error?

Anton Tananaeva year ago
Alcaldejaua year ago

Thank you very much!