Newbie question: tracker with storing

Elmboba year ago

Hello there,

I would like to track & integrate into Home Assistant. I tried to learn with this forum if there are tracker sending with cell network and storing position data while offline, however the answer might be there but my vocabulary is not. We have lots of spots without reception on the farm, that function is necessary to see a continious track later.

Any suggestions for a compatible hardware?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I don't have any specific recommendation, but many devices support it.

Elmboba year ago

Thank you for your quick reply. What is the correct wording for a data storing function?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Usually it's called buffering.

Elmboba year ago

Thank you for your advice.

Artema year ago

I can say that teletonika works well in offline mode

Elmboba year ago

I was just going to ask for any recommendations. Thank you again, very helpfull. I rather take care of a selfhosted tracker solution and have it with Home Assistant than paying quite a bit of money and not sure what you get.

Elmboba year ago

The Teltonika FMB204 looks like decent supported device which is easily available in South Africa.

Artema year ago

excellent, good choice

Elmboba year ago

And that device has got a sd-card or somethig for storing unsend data?

Artema year ago