Generating User token traccar ver 5.8

p7rck2 years ago

Hi, I'm new to Traccar. I am building an erp that has fleet management. I have setup my Traccar server already and want to use API, to fetch my devices for my server. The API uses token for authorization. I tried to generate one using the POST request in api/session with user credentials. I got a 200 response but token is not there. Is there someone who can guide me on how to generate the user tokens using api? Thank you in advance

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you checked how the official app generates the token?

p7rck2 years ago

I haven't, where can I checked? Can you guide me through this?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The easiest option to check is the browser network console. Request a token and check the API request in the console.

p7rck2 years ago

Thank you for your response
How do you request a token?
i am using api/session
this is what i get as a response

    "id": 3,
    "attributes": {},
    "name": "John Doe",
    "login": null,
    "email": "",
    "phone": null,
    "readonly": false,
    "administrator": true,
    "map": null,
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "zoom": 0,
    "twelveHourFormat": true,
    "coordinateFormat": null,
    "disabled": false,
    "expirationTime": null,
    "deviceLimit": -1,
    "userLimit": 0,
    "deviceReadonly": false,
    "limitCommands": false,
    "disableReports": false,
    "fixedEmail": false,
    "poiLayer": null,
    "password": null

and what does login mean?

p7rck2 years ago

I remember last year when I learned about traccar token was included in api/session response

p7rck2 years ago

Can someone help me with this?

Javier Marcosa year ago

Although this question has already been answered previously, I will provide my own response, giving instructions to test it using Postman.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • URL: http://my-server-traccar/api/session/token
  • Auth: Basic Auth (Fill in username and password)
  • Body: Select x-www-form-urlencoded
    • Key: expiration
    • Value: date and time in ISO format (Example: 2024-02-28T15:30:00Z)
