Distance and Total Distance

opengrace8 years ago

"index": 955,
"protocol": "gt06",
"speed": "0.0",
"status": 5,
"altitude": "0.0",
"ignition": false,
"gsm": 4,
"device_time": "10-02-2017 00:09:06",
"ip": "",
"id": "351608080644292",
"course": "15.0",
"distance": 0,
"name": "Mobil 044 B9340XXX",
"battery": 6,
"totalDistance": 12672490.04,
"longitude": "107.2334311111111",
"latitude": "-6.353882222222222",
"group": "gundul_mengkilat@yahoo.com",
"fix_time": "09-02-2017 22:49:07"

anybody can help me what is that mean "distance" and "totaldistance"?
GT06n device not send that data i think.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Distance is the distance from previous location. Total distance is accumulated value. It's all calculated on the server side.

opengrace8 years ago

is it Meter or Kilometer or what ?

opengrace8 years ago

How about Index ? what is that ?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Distance is in meters. Index is message number reported by the device.

opengrace8 years ago

distance from last point to point .. how to calculate it, is that using street map google or
calculate with ruler point to point straight ?

anyway thanks for fast respond

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It's a straight line distance.

Mark Baileya year ago

If I wanted to measure the distance of a Trip, is there an API call I can make to set the Total Distance back to Zero at some point in time?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You can only update the last value.

Mark Baileya year ago

Thank you for your reply Anton.

But, what do you mean by the Last Value?

Can you please point me to the API doc for that so I can test and understand?

Anton Tananaeva year ago