Minimum memory, CPU 100%

surferboricuaa year ago

I spun up a VPS using Digital Ocean droplet. I initially setup 1 vCPU, 1GB Ram, 25TB. Only 1 device at the moment. CPU goes to 100%, looks like kswapd0 process. I resized my droplet to 2GB Ram and it doesnt peg the CPU. If I am only running 1 device, does it make sense to need more than 1GB ram?

The 2GB droplet is $6 more expensive… so I dont want to spend more than I need to.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If you optimize it well 1GB is probably enough.

surferboricuaa year ago

So try some of the things on the optimization section of documentation?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

That's a different kind of optimization. What you probably want is disable all unused ports, reduce database and Traccar memory allocation etc. The documentation we have is intended for optimizing server to handle as many devices as possible, so it's almost the opposite.

surferboricuaa year ago

Understood. I have some homework then. Thanks.

Cohen Lewisa year ago

I have a Linode Instance of:

  • 1 CPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 25 GB Storage

Any barely uses any more than 5% CPU. Are you sure it isn't getting hit by something and some form of DDOS?

surferboricuaa year ago

How can I check for DDOS?

Cohen Lewisa year ago

Server Firewall Logs and/or Access Logs.

surferboricuaa year ago

I will be looking into firewall and access logs, but need to figure out how to first. In the meantime, I configured a 1GB swap to hopefully give me some breathing room in the meantime.

fitzea year ago

surferboricua, same with me at Digital Ocean, I was running near 100%, I took the easy way out and jumped to 2GB ram and running 2 devices.

surferboricuaa year ago

fitze, mine has been running good with 1GB ram after configuring 1GB of swap memory. Its actually real easy. Follow the steps in the following.