Sodaq Universal tracker

audunbrekke6 years ago

Hi. I am trying to use a Sodaq Univarsal tracker to send data to traccar. I can see the data in the log, but i can not decode them. Could somebody help me to decode the messages ?
I have information about the protocol her:
Message Frame content
Note: all values are little endian.

Description Length
Epoch Timestamp uint32 (4)
Battery voltage (between 3 and 4.5 V) uint8 (1)
Board Temperature (degrees celcius) int8 (1)
Lat int32 (4)
Long int32 (4)
Altitude (MSL in meters) int16 (2)
Speed (SOG * 100 km/h) uint16 (2)
Course (COG) uint8 (1)
Number of satellites uint8 (1)
Time to fix (seconds, FF = no fix) uint8 (1)
Plus 0 - 3 of the following 10 bytes:
Previous fix (seconds ago) uint16 (2)
Lat long (4)
Long long(4)

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If you need help with implementing new protocol, we can help. Send an email to support address, if you are interested.

audunbrekke6 years ago

Thank. I will do.

hariro10 months ago

What device do you use and which port does it communicate on?

hariro10 months ago

Is there a protocol for this?