Client for Android

Tracker CWB9 years ago

Dear Anton, after updating the traccar client android but do not have access 8722227 Samsung Galaxy S5 device has already been reset the device but without success, you may be experiencing?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Please try this version:

Let me know if it works.

Tracker CWB9 years ago

Working perfect now Anton.

pinkic819 years ago

Hello! I downloaded the same version from different place, but I can't find the app settings, my mobile it's a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, but doesn't work the hidden version, there are a requirements for the mobile?

Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It should work on your device. What exactly doesn't work?

pinkic818 years ago

I can't find the the icon's application, the lenguaje it doesn't matter?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

So you saying that you installed a hidden version and you can't find the icon? That's the whole point of the "hidden" app.

pinkic818 years ago

Hehehe! Yes you rigth! I was installed the normal version and installed the hidden version, and I tried to used the hidden version... finally i remove the normal version and restart the phone and I installed again the hidden version but i tried to use "To open it again dial 8722227 (TRACCAR)" but don't show me nothing. Any idea how to show the application? thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You might be able to enable the app from Application Management, but I'm not too sure that it's possible. Otherwise only by dialing the number or re-installing the app.

dirkdeb8 years ago

Hi Anton,
I installed the regular client apk on my Android Samsung Galaxy S4, Installed the server software on my local Linux machine.
Opened port 5055 on the firewall TCP and UDP on my local network.
Started Traccar on S4 and server. All looks ok. It attaches to the 8082 port, all the other ports including 5055 it is listening on. "netstat -an"
My S4 sits with a static ip addres and I can see with netstat that the S4 is conected to the server on port 5055.
But Traccar Client Status say "Send Failed " and with obvious no result on the server tarcking page.
Could that be my setup. "Device Identifier" I entered my IMEI number here and on the traccar server I registered a device with the same identifier.
Could one enter any name/number for Device identifier as long as it's the same on both sides.
Thanx for the help and nice piece of work.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

@dirkdeb, this topic is about hidden version of the Client.

eiten8 years ago

Hi everyone,

I installed the hidden client from the website on my Galaxy S7 Android 7. When I dial 8722227, my phone dials the Number, traccar stays hidden. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Edi

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Make sure the app has all the permissions. If it doesn't help try to enable the app from the settings, or re-install it.

eiten8 years ago

Oh man! I'm to stupid. I found it in the Apps, but just now. I was looking for "Device Settings", but it was translated to "Geräteeinstellungen" :) I saw this when I reinstalled it. Just for reference for others with the same problem: The app does not ask for any permissions. After installation, it had the permission for location, but not for telephone. After giving the telephone permission, the 8722227 works.

Thanks alot for your fast response! YMMD

Boris Murashov8 years ago

Доброго дня Антон. Пробую настроить пересылку координат из траккар сервера на wialon (это нужно для тестирования, и плавного перехода с системы на систему). Добился пока отображения в виалоне статуса устройства. Координаты не видит. В виалоне настроен на порт как "траккар клиент". Предполагаю что порядок передающихся данных из "траккар сервера" не такой как из "траккар клиента" поэтому мои объекты не видны.
Подскажите пожалуйста как должен выглядеть параметр forward.url для формирования посылок как "traccar client"
<entry key='forward.url'>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,</entry>