Equipment Tracker

McKennaElectrica year ago


I currently have Teltonina FMC920 in some excavators and skid steers I own. They do a great job of tracking when the equipment is running but I would like to be able to also track it when it is on a trailer and the ignition is off. Is there a setting on the Teltonias or Traccar that I could change to get the tracker to track the equipment with the ignition off? Do I need a different GPS for the equipment? I would also like to track a few trailers but would have the same problems. I told the server to send me a notification if the equipment is moving meaning on the trailer but turned off but that did not work like I thought it would. I thought about wiring the ignition wire to the battery but that would be a pain. I would get alerts all the time.

I love the software!! Keep up the good work!



Joysticka year ago

In the configurator add Accelerometer as an ignition source. (You can select multiple sources)
So when it picks up vibration it will start to communicate.

Mictracka year ago

You can check if the Mictrack MT700 matches your requirements. It's a wireless tracking device with long battery life. When it stops, it goes to sleep, and when it vibrates, it will wake up and report to the server. The MT700 is already compatible with Traccar, and the port is 5030.

McKennaElectrica year ago

Thanks for the replies I will give both of these a try.

VGEa year ago

Im looking in to the FMC920. Did you only connect the VCC(RED) and GND or also the other wires (DIN1,AIN1,DOUT1). I only need a tracker that starts sending data over 4G when the vehicle moves. Is that possible with the FMC920?

McKennaElectrica year ago

I also hooked up the yellow wire to the ignition. Not sure of the color wire but I used 3 wired