Premium Nominatim Server

blackmonk8810 years ago

Hi All,

I'm an avid user of traccar. But i'm only using it as main gps data feeder to my own GPS Tracking Platform as it support wide variety of GPS Tracker hardware than my original version.

I've also created nominatim server which using Google Maps Reverse Geocoding as primary data. Currently this project have reached stable version.
After i've using it at my own platform, i would like to sell this project as service, just like Google Maps for Business. Instead of you're using Google Platform and pay annually 11.000 USD, you can try use my service at much lower daily limit. Google daily limit is 100.0000 queries, i offer much smaller daily limit, start from 5.000 queries and increment the limit by 5.0000 queries, and there is a plus value, i only bill each new queries, any queries will be verified to internal caching system. If new query is from cache, i won't bill it.

payment is paid upfront using paypal or stripe for each product category limit monthly. So basically you can scale up or down each end of the month.

I though i can release this service when i can see a feasible users, i mean if there is 20 users would like to use this service, i can start open it to public consumption.

And last issue, if this project is feasible, i would love to give donation to traccar project maintainer monthly. So basically using my service also encourage traccar being actively developed.

Please follow this link if you would like to join the poll
F. Siswanto.

marivan49 years ago

como faço pra adquiri esse serviço seu e como sera configurado no meu sistema

blackmonk889 years ago

Just change traccar config to use my nominatim URL, i'll publish the URL and an API for each member, but i don't see any feasibility, as current poll result only consist of 6 traccar members submitting the poll.